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Rabu, Maret 24, 2010


Training Introduction to Geothermal System and Technology
Duration: 3 (three) days course
Course information:
This course aim to provide background knowledge on most aspects of geothermal energy system and technology, including characteristics and types of geothermal system, main components of hydrothermal system, types and characteristics of surface manifestations, conceptual models, rock and fluid properties, scope of geothermal projects, overview of preliminary survey, geothermal exploration, covering geology, geochemistry and geophysical exploration, drilling and reservoir engineering, well testing, production facilities, utilization of geothermal energy for electricity generation.
Course details:

Day Time Subject
1 08:00 - 08:15 Pembukaan
08:15 - 10:00 Pendahuluan
10:20 - 12:00 Terjadinya Sistem Panas Bumi
13:00 - 15:00 Sistem Panas Bumi: Definisi dan Klasifikasi
15:20 - 17:00
2 08:00 - 10:00 Kegiatan Survey reconnaisance: metoda, data, ouput dan perhitungan cadangan spekulatif
10:20 - 12:00 Kegiatan Survey Eksplorasi Rinci: metoda, data, ouput dan perhitungan cadangan spekulatif hipotesis dan cadangan terduga.
13:00 - 15:00 Pemboran eksplorasi: perencanaan target, data, ouput dan perhitungan cadangan mungkin dan terbukti.
15:20 - 17:00
3 08:00 - 10:00 Standarisasi Klasifikasi Cadangan Panas Bumi di Indonesia (SNI 03-5012-1999) dan usulan standarisasi dari beberapa ahli panas bumi
10:20 - 12:00 Studi kelayakan, Perencanaan Pengembangan Lapangan
13:00 - 15:00 Sifat Fluida Panas Bumi
15:20 - 17:00 Pengujian Sumur Panas Bumi: Tujuan, jenis-jenis pengujian, uji Komplesi, uji panas
4 08:00 - 10:00 Uji Produksi Sumur Panas Bumi
10:20 - 12:00
13:00 - 15:00 Uji Transien tekanan
15:20 - 17:00 Fasilitas Produksi Uap
5 08:00 - 10:00 Fasilitas PLTP
10:20 - 12:00 Penentuan Daya Listrik/Konsumsi Uap Siklus Konversi Uap Kering
13:00 - 15:00 Penentuan Daya Listrik/Konsumsi Uap Siklus Konversi Uap Hasil Pemisahan
15:20 - 16:30 Siklus Pembangkit Lain
16:30 - 17:00 Penutupan

Training Geo-Electrical Method for Geothermal Exploration
Duration: 5 (five) days course
About the Course:
The geo-electrical methods are the most widely used geophysical methods to explore the geothermal resources. The geo-electrical methods study the physical property of rocks, i.e. electrical resistivity or conductivity which is directly related to the thermal phenomenon prevailing in the geothermal areas. This course will be focused on direct-current (DC) resistivity and magnetotelluric (MT) methods as primary geophysical methods for geothermal exploration. However other specific and related techniques will be discussed as well (e.g. Self-Potential, Mise-a-la-Masse, Transient EM).
The course will assume a basic knowledge in geology and geophysics, with possible extension to a more general audience with engineering background. The participants will gain the knowledge necessary to design and to plan cost-effective DC-resistivity and MT field program and to manage the survey.
The aim of the course is to give an overview of geo-electrical methods and their application for geothermal exploration. This course will introduce the participants to the concept of DC-resistivity and MT methods, basic data processing and interpretation issues as well as recent development in those aspects of the methods. There will be also discussion sessions on case studies of DC-resistivity and MT application whithin the geothermal exploration framework.
Time Schedule:
The course is scheduled for 4 days that can be divided into 2 parts with 2 days each. The detailed schedule of the course is described the following table.

Course details:
Part I. DC-Resistivity Method
Day Time Subject
1 08:00 - 10:00 Overview of geophysics for geothermal exploration
10:30 - 12:00 Basic theory of geo-electrical methods
13:00 - 14:30 DC-resistivity measurement techniques (mapping, sounding)
15:00 - 16:00 Exercise of DC-resistivity method (1)
2 08:00 - 10:00 DC-resistivity measurement techniques (imaging)
10:30 - 12:00 Self-Potential and Mise-a-la-Masse techniques
13:00 - 14:30 Discussion on application and case studies
15:00 - 16:00 Exercise of DC-resistivity method (2)
Part II. Magnetotelluric Method
Day Time Subject
1 08:00 - 10:00 Basic theory of magnetotelluric (MT) method
10:30 - 12:00 Data acquisition and processing of MT data
13:00 - 14:30 Modeling of MT data (1)
15:00 - 16:00 Exercise of MT method (1)
2 08:00 - 10:00 Modeling of MT data (2)
10:30 - 12:00 Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) method and static shift correction
13:00 - 14:30 Discussion on application and case studies
15:00 - 16:00 Exercise of MT method (2)
3 08:00 - 16:00 Exercise continued

Training Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry for Geothermal Exploration
Duration: 3 (three) weeks course
About the Course:
This course discusses various methods of geology, geophysics and geochemistry used during exploration of geothermal or hydrothermal system
• Geology overviews various surveys used during geothermal exploration. Furthermore, it gives knowledge about alteration minerals, especially ones which are common in geothermal system.
• Geophysical study overviews various surveys used during geothermal exploration. It gives knowledge how to compile geological condition and geophysics anomalies and physical properties of rock to understand subsurface structure or reservoir.
• Geochemistry overviews various surveys used during geothermal exploration, type and distribution of geothermal fluids and interpretation of reservoir condition.
1. Geology (5 days):
The aim of the course is to give an understanding of the geothermal system and geological methods and their application to identify a geothermal area, including its surface manifestation, within a volcanic area. Another main subject of this course is to understand various minerals commonly occurring in geothermal system, its type of alteration and how to use it to understand the behavior of reservoir.
Course details:
Day Time Subject
1 08:00 - 10:00 Geothermal system
10:30 - 12:00 Geothermal exploration
13:00 - 15:00 Geology for geothermal exploration
2 08:00 - 10:00 Volcanic product deposit
10:30 - 12:00 Mapping in volcanic area
13:00 - 15:00 Identification of geothermal area
3 08:00 - 10:00 Geothermal fluid: type
10:30 - 12:00 Geothermal surface manifestation
13:00 - 15:00 Estimation of geothermal resource based on natural heat loss
4 08:00 - 10:00 Surface/near surface hydrothermal alteration
10:30 - 12:00 Subsurface hydrothermal alteration
13:00 - 15:00 Utilisation
5 08:00 - 10:00 Case study: geology for geothermal exploration
10:30 - 12:00 Case study: geology for geothermal exploration
13:00 - 15:00 Natural hazard in volcanic/geothermal area

2. Geophysics (5 days):
This course covers both static and dynamic geophysical method commonly applied for geothermal exploration in order to reveal the subsurface condition. The method includes gravity and magnetic, geo-electrical, magnetotelluric (MT), transient electromagnetic (TEM) and micro-earthquake (MEQ) methods. Some applications are given for discussion.
Course details:
Day Time Subject
1 08:00 - 10:00 Overview of geophysics for geothermal exploration
10:30 - 12:00 Gravity method (theory)
13:00 - 15:00 Processing of gravity data: Application / discussion
2 08:00 - 10:00 Magnetic method (theory)
10:30 - 12:00 Advanced data processing of gravity and magnetic data
13:00 - 15:00 Exercice of gravity and magnetic method.
3 08:00 - 10:00 Geo-electrical method I (VES, mapping/imaging)
10:30 - 12:00 Geo-electrical method II (SP, MAM)
13:00 - 15:00 Exercice of geo-electrical methods: Application / discussion
4 08:00 - 10:00 Data acquisition and processing of magnetotelluric (MT) data
10:30 - 12:00 Modeling of MT data
13:00 - 15:00 Exercice of MT method: Application / discussion
5 08:00 - 10:00 Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) method
10:30 - 12:00 Micro-earthquake (MEQ) method
13:00 - 15:00 Exercice of TEM method: Application / discussion

3. Geochemistry (5 days):
This course covers all aspects of chemistry at geothermal fluid. It explains type, composition, origin and distribution of the fluids; and the effects of boiling, mixing and condensation to the composition of water. How to understanding of the reservoir condition is also given, followed by the behaviors of gas and stable isotope in geothermal systems. At last the course will point out on monitoring of production wells, including scaling formation and corrosively in production pipes, and environmental aspects.
Course details:
Day Time Subject
1 08:00 - 10:00 Geochemistry for geothermal exploration
10:30 - 12:00 Geothermal fluid: origin & distribution
13:00 - 15:00 Sampling & chemical analysis of geothermal fluid
2 08:00 - 10:00 Characteristic of geothermal fluid: pH, salinity & ion balance
10:30 - 12:00 Process occurring in geothermal fluid: boiling, mixing & condensation
13:00 - 15:00 Estimation of reservoir fluid characteristic
3 08:00 - 10:00 Geothermal gas
10:30 - 12:00 Stable isotope in geothermal
13:00 - 15:00 Geothermometer
4 08:00 - 10:00 Scaling & corrosion
10:30 - 12:00 Monitoring of well production
13:00 - 15:00 Geochemical survey for geothermal exploration
5 08:00 - 10:00 Case study: geochemistry for geothermal exploration
10:30 - 12:00 Case study: geochemistry for geothermal exploration
13:00 - 15:00 Environmental impact due to geothermal development

Training Drilling Planning for Geothermal Well
Duration: 10 (ten) days course
Who should attend:
Drilling engineers, Mud engineers, geologists, supervisors, tool pushers, rig crews ,drilling contract and service company personnel, Shaker Attendants, Assistant Drillers, Toolpushers, Drilling Foremen, Drilling Superintendents, Directional Drillers, MWD & LWD personnel, and any other personnel who are included in drilling operation for Geothermal Well.
What will you learn:
• What is technical aspects of Geothermal drilling operation
• How to design the Geothermal operation, and their Completion.
• How to select equipment in their drilling operation and Completion, especially for Geothermal Well.
Course information:
This course covers all aspects of Geothermal drilling and deals with both theory and application. It is particularly valuable for their career in Geothermal drilling operation.
This course provides the development in Geothermal industry and drilling technology. In Geothermal Drilling Technology, participants will be given the principles, the techniques, the tools and designing procedures for a deviated well.
Participants will also learn about principles of Geothermal drilling techniques and practices, also design and selection of BHA.
This course also give valuable insight into workings of Geothermal drilling technology and providing direction in the design and implementation of these technology in Geothermal Industry.
Participants will have computer workshop using Drilling Software, Horizontal Drilling Software and Design, and also 3D-Trajectory for Directional, Horizontal and Multilateral Wells, and the software will be given free.

Course details:
• Principle of Geothermal Drilling
• Drilling Fluid Properties, Design and Optimization
• Drilling Fluid Hydraulic Design
• Friction Loss
• ECD determinations
• Cutting transport
• Bit hydraulic horse power
• Bit hydraulic impact
• Bit jet velocity
• Hole Problems
• Casing and Casing Design
• Casing type
• Burst, collspse, tension, biaxial
• Maximum load principle
• Cement and Cementing Design
• Cement classification • Cement Properties
• Cement additive
• Cementing design
• Principle of Directional Drilling
• Directional Well Path Design
• Directional Well Path Evaluation
• Build Curve Design
• Bottom Hole Assembly
• BHA EquipmentBHA DesignWell Drill String Design
• Torque
• Drag
• Buckling
• Drill String Strategy
• Computer workshop

Training Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
Duration: 10 (ten) days course
Course information:
The course give an overview of characteristics of geothermal system, main component of hdrothermal system, conceptual model, reservoir parameters, fluid flow within the reservoir, mass and heat flow, pressure and temperature gradient, measured data, integrated data analysis to determine type, depth, pressure and temperatur of reservoir, estimation of reserve and electricity potential, pressure transient analysis, interference test, reservoir simulation, reservoir performance forecast, monitoring, reservoir management.
Course details:
Day Subject
1 Overview of Geothermal System
• Hydrothermal System
• Type of Geothermal System
• Conceptual Model
• Reservoir Parameters
• Rock Properties
• Fluid Properties
• Boiling Point with Depth Curve
• Analysis of Pressure and Temperature Data
2 Fluid Flow in the Reservoir
• Darcy’s Law
• Reservoir-well model
• Single phase flow
• Two phase flow in the reservoir
• Heat Flow in the reservoir
• Exercise
3 Estimation of Resource, Reserve and Electricity Potential: Part -1
• Methods
• Availability of Data
• Resources and Reserve Classification
• Mass and Heat Stored Method and its application
• Monte Carlo Simulation and its application
4 Estimation of Resource, Reserve and Electricity Potential: Part -2
• P/Z Method and its application
• Mass anf Heat Balanced method: Constant Liquid Level and Falling Liquid Level Methods
5 and 6 Pressure Transient Analysis
• Desired Information
• Pressure and temperature instrumentation
• Basic Solution
• Wellbore Storage and Skin
• Pressure Build-up Test: methods and analysis
• Drawdown Test: methods and analysis
• Fall of Test: methods
• Interference Test: methods and analysis
7 Reinjection
• Objective
• Design and Execution
• Analysis
• Field Examples
8 Changes within the Reservoir Under Exploitation
• Changes under production within vapour dominated reservoir
• Changes under production within water dominated reservoir
• Changes in well performance
• Reinjection and their effects on reservoir performance
• Decline Curve Analysis: Harmonic, Exponential, Hyperbolic, Automatic Decline Curve Analysis
• Case Study
9 Reservoir Modelling
• Objective
• Governing Equation
• Conceptual Model
• Natural state modelling
• History Matching
• Production Forecast
10 Reservoir Management
• Objective
• Team Efforts
• Reservoir Management Processes
• Current Problems
• Field Cases

Training Geothermal Reservoir Modelling
Duration: 10 (ten) days course
Course information:
The course give an overview of principle and methodologies of reservoir modeling, conceptual development model, development of computer model, data analysis, data preparation for modeling, modeling procedure, history matching, performance forecasting and model development using simulator commonly used by geothermal industries.
Course details:
Day Subject
1 Introduction to Reservoir Modelling
• Objective of Reservoir Modelling
• Conceptual Model
• Concept of Grid Block and Time Steps
• Understanding of Natural State Modelling, History Matching and Performance Forecast
• Desain of Reservoir Model: Selection of dimension, selection of grid size and time steps represention of rock and fluid properties, pressure and temperature, surface manifestation in the model,
• Selection of numerical solution
• Natural State Modelling: Prosedure
• History Matching: Prosedure, Manual Adjustment, Automatic History Matching
• Performance Forcast
2 Simulator for Geothermal Modelling
• Simulator available at Geothermal Laboratory of ITB
• Structure of Simulator
• Structure of Input and Output File
• Exercise: Preparing input file and analyse output file
3 and 4 Natural State Modelling
• Modelling of single block (lumped parameter model)
• Modelling of Single Phase – One Dimension Reservoir
5 - 7 Two Dimension Model
• Input Data Preparation
• Natural State Modelling
• History Matching
• Performance Forecast
8 - 10 Three Dimension Model
• Input Data Preparation
• Natural State Modelling
• History Matching
• Performance Forecast

Training Geothermal Production Engineering
Duration: 10 (ten) days course
Course information:
In this course participants will learn about completion of geothermal wells, production facilities in vapor dominated field and water dominated field, production facilities in a number of geothermal fields in Indonesia, measurements of pressure, temperature and flow rates, application of fluid mechanic, thermodynamic, mass and heat transfer for calculating pressure drop and heat loss in wells and surface transmission line, problems of corrosion and scaling, material selection, monitoring well performance, well modelling, well bore simulation.
Course details:
Day Subject
1 Well Testing: Part - 1
• Well configuration
• Wellhead Valves
• Completion Test
• Heating Measurements
• Flow Measurements using orifice plates
2 Well Testing: Part - 2
• Lip Pressure Method: Vertical Discharged
• Lip Pressure Method: Horizontal Discharged
• Calorimeter Method
3 Production Facilities
• Production Facilities ini Vapour Dominated Field
• Production Facilities ini Water Dominated Field
• Separator Desain
4 and 5 Estimation of Pressure Drop in Steam Wells
• Pressure Drop in Steam Well
• Wellbore Simulation:
o Model development
o Model Validation/Matching Field Data
o Prediction
o Case Study
6 and 7 Estimation of Pressure Drop, Heat and Mass Losses in Steam Transmission Line
• Pressure Drop in Steam Transmission Line
• Pressure Drop in Fittings, oriffice and others
• Heat and Mass Losses ini Steam Transmission Line
• Case Study
8 Estimation of Pressure Drop in Two Phase Wells and Pipes
• Two Phase Flow: Vertikal and Horizontal Flow
• Two Phase Pressure Drop
• Homogeneous Model
• Separated Model:
o Lokhart Martinelli Method,
o Harrison & Freeston Method,
o Hagedorn and Brown Method
o Duns and Ross Method.
9 an 10 Wellbore Simulation – Two Phase Well
• Model development
• Model Validation/Matching Field Data
• Prediction
• Case Study

Training Analysis of Techno-Economics of Geothermal Projects
Duration: 5 (five) days course
Course information:
Seperti halnya proyek-proyek lain, kajian teknis dan analisa keekonomian proyek harus dilakukan untuk menilai apakah daerah panasbumi yang sedang dianalisa menarik untuk dikembangkan serta menentukan alternatif pengembangan yang paling baik dari beberapa alternatif pengembangan yang mungkin dilakukan di daerah tersebut. Dalam kursus ini akan dibahas
1. Pengkajian sistim panasbumi (geothermal resource assesment).
2. Penyusunan rencana pengembangan lapangan. Perencanaan meliputi rencana pengembangan PLTP, rencana pengembangan lapangan uap, serta jadwal pelaksanan pekerjaan.
3. Penentuan biaya pengusahaan panasbumi.
4. Perhitungan revenue, investasi, ekspens dan parameter-parameter ekonomi (cash flow, ROR, NPVdll.)
Dalam Kursus ini akan digunakan SAR-Geothermal yaitu software yang dibuat oleh laboratorium Geothermal – Departemen Teknik Perminyakan ITB pada tahun 1999. untuk melakukan analisis secara terpadu mulai dari perhitungan cadangan dan potensi listrik, membuat perencanaan lapangan uap dan PLTP, biaya hingga melakukan analisis keekonomian.
Tujuan dari Kursus ini adalah agar peserta mampu:
1. Menganalisa secara terpadu karakterisasi suatu reservoir panasbumi berdasarkan data lapangan (geothermal resource assesment)
2. Menyusun rencana pengembangan lapangan, estimasi biaya dan penjadwalan proyek
3. Menganalisa keekonomian proyek panasbumi
Apa Yang Akan Anda Pelajari Selama Kursus ini ?
• Pengusahaan panasbumi di Indonesia, prospek pengembangan di masa yad, hambatan dan tantangan,
• Tujuan & kegiatan penilaian kelayakan pengembangan lapangan panasbumi
• Regulasi Panasbumi di Indonesia
• Pengkajian sumberdaya setelah survey eksplorasi
• Pengkajian sumberdaya setelah pemboran eksplorasi
• Penentuan Cadangan dan Potensi Listrik dengan metoda Volumetris
• Pengkajian kemampuan produksi sumur
• Penyusunan Rencana Pengembangan Lapangan
• Estimasi biaya pengembangan lapangan uap dan pembangunan PLTP
• Penjadwalan Proyek
• Pendanaan Proyek
• Analisa Keekonomian proyek panasbumi
Course details:

Day Time Subject
1 08:00 - 09:30 Pengusahaan panasbumi di Indonesia, prospek pengembangan di masa yad, hambatan dan tantangan , penilaian kelayakan pengembangan lapangan panasbumi
09.30 – 09.45 Break
09.45 – 12.00 Regulasi Panasbumi di Indonesia
12.00 – 13.00 Makan Siang & Sholat
13.00 – 14.30 Pengkajian sumberdaya setelah survey eksplorasi
14.30 – 15.00 Break & sholat
15.00 – 16.00 Pengkajian sumberdaya setelah survey eksplorasi
2 08:00 - 09:30 Pengkajian sumberdaya setelah pemboran eksplorasi
09.30 – 09.45 Break
09.45 – 12.00 Pengkajian sumberdaya setelah pemboran eksplorasi
12.00 – 13.00 Makan Siang & Sholat
13.00 – 14.30 Penentuan Cadangan dan Potensi Listrik dengan metoda Volumetris
14.30 – 15.00 Break & sholat
15.00 – 16.00 Pengkajian Kemampuan Produksi Sumur
3 08:00 - 09:30 Penyusunan Rencana Pengembangan: Lapangan & PLTP
09.30 – 09.45 Break
09.45 – 12.00 Estimasi Biaya Pengembangan Lapangan Uap
12.00 – 13.00 Makan Siang & Sholat
13.00 – 14.30 Estimasi biaya Pembangunan PLTP
14.30 – 15.00 Break & sholat
15.00 – 16.00 Penjadwalan Proyek
4 08:00 - 09:30 Pendanaan Proyek
09.30 – 09.45 Break
09.45 – 12.00 Analisa keekonomian proyek panasbumi
12.00 – 13.00 Makan Siang & Sholat
13.00 – 14.30 Studi Kasus: Penentuan Potensi Listrik & Rencana Pengembangan Lapangan
14.30 – 15.00 Break & sholat
15.00 – 16.00 Studi Kasus: Estimasi Biaya & Penjadwalan Proyek
5 08:00 - 09:30 Studi Kasus: Analisa keekonomian proyek
09.30 – 09.45 Break
09.45 – 12.00 Studi Kasus: Analisa keekonomian proyek
12.00 – 13.00 Makan Siang & Sholat
13.00 – 14.30 Studi kasus: analisa sensitivitas
14.30 – 15.00 Break & sholat
15.00 – 16.00 Diskusi & Penutupan

Training Macro Excel Programming for Geothermal Applications
Duration: 5 (five) days course
Course information:
Dalam training ini peserta akan belajar menggunakan MS Excel secara lebih mendalam kemudian akan diteruskan dengan pembuatan software-software aplikasi yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam industri panasbumi. Hasil akhir dari training ini, peserta akan membawa hasil kerja yang berupa software yang telah mereka desain dan aplikasikan dalam program, disamping itu peserta akan mampu membuat aplikasi tersendiri sesuai dengan kebutuhan di lingkungan kerjanya masing masing.
Inti dari training ini sendiri adalah memaksimalkan penggunaan MS Excel karena sebenarnya banyak sekali fasilitas didalamnya yang sangat kita butuhkan akan tetapi jarang diketahui. Selain untuk membuat tabel dan melakukan perhitungan sederhana (penggunaan secara umum), yang jauh lebih penting lagi MS Excel dilengkapi dengan fasilitas yang sangat powerful yang disebut macro. Dengan fasilitas ini, pengguna dapat menambahkan fasilitas dalam Excel tersebut sehingga memiliki kemampuan yang lebih handal. Singkatnya, sebenarnya kita sering memanfaatkan Excel dan terlalu sering mengulang-ulang pekerjaan yang sama, padahal dengan sedikit waktu kita luangkan untuk membuat program sederhana dalam Excel (yang akan dipelajari dalam training ini), kita sudah tidak perlu lagi mengulang-ulang pekerjaan sehingga akan mengefisienkan waktu dan mengurangi kesalahan yang terjadi dalam pekerjaan.
Tujuan dari Kursus ini adalah agar peserta mampu:
1. Menggunakan MS Excel secara lebih mendalam
2. Membuatan software-software aplikasi yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam industri panasbumi.
3. Membuat aplikasi tersendiri sesuai dengan kebutuhan di lingkungan kerja masing- masing.
Apa Yang Akan Anda Pelajari Selama Kursus ini ?
• Gambaran dan tinjauan MS Excel secara umum
• Penjelajahan Objek MS Excel
• Penyimpanan nilai dan objek dalam variabel
• Nilai properti objek
• Penjelajahan objek-objek baru
• Sumber daya yang berbeda dalam MS Excel untuk belajar tentang objek
• Pengenalan Visual Basic dalam MS Excel
• Bagaimana Visual Basic bekerja dengan Excel
• Komunikasi objek Excel dengan Visual Basic
• Pengenalan Komponen dalam Visual Basic
• Otomatisasi tugas sehari-hari dengan memulai dari cara-cara lugas dan praktis untuk menggunakan makro-makro dalam Excel.
• Perekam makro dan lingkungan pengembangan Visual Basic untuk aplikasi di Industri Panasbumi
• Manipulasi keterbatasan makro yang direkam dengan Visual Basic.
• Bagaimana membuat makro mudah digunakan.
• Bagaimana merekam, menjalankan, dan mengedit Makro Excel
• Pembuatan Makro Excel sederhana
• Pembuatan makro sederhana dari makro hasil rekaman
• Pembuatan makro sesuai kebutuhan
Course details:

Day Subject
1 Pengoptimasian Pemakaian MS Excel dan Pengenalan built-in function
• Fungsi Statistik
• Fungsi Analisa Keekonomian
• Fungsi Text (String)
• Fungsi Find
• Fungsi Solver
• Goal Seek
• Data Validation
• Inter&Extrapolasi
• Database (Pivot Table) ‘Optional
• Fungsi built in yang lain
2 Pengenalan Bahasa Pemrograman Visual Basic
• Pengenalan type data
• Pembuatan function dan sub-procedure
• Menjalankan function dan sub-procedure
• Memanggil function dan sub-procedure dalam subroutine
• Pembuatan add-in function
3 Aplikasi Pemrograman
• Pembuatan Program Thermodynamic Properties of Water and Steam
• Pembuatan Program Perhitungan Cadangan dengan Vomumetric
4 Aplikasi Pemrograman
• Pembuatan Program Automatic Decline Curve Analysis (Spivey Algoritma 1 dan 2)
• Pembuatan Program Directional Well Survey (Metoda Minimum Curvature)
5 Aplikasi Pemrograman
• Pembuatan Program Perhitungan Laju Alir Fluida 1 Fasa dengan Menggunakan Orifice dan Venturi
• Pembuatan Program Perhitungan Laju Alir Fluida 2 Fasa dengan Menggunakan Orifice (Metoda Murdoch dan Chrisholm)
• Pembuatan Program Perhitungan Cadangan dengan Simulasi Monte Carlo (Optional)

Training Geothermal Energy Utilization
Duration: 5 (five) days course
Course information:

Training ini akan membahas pemanfaatan energi panas bumi untuk sektor listrik dan non listrik, sistim pembangkit listrik tenaga panasbumi, sistim pendinginan ruangan, pengeringan produk, pemanasan tanah, peralatan yang digunakan, prinsip kerja, penentuan daya listrik atau konsumsi uap untuk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panasbumi (PLTP) untuk berbagai siklus konversi energi, analisa exergy, pendinginan udara, desain cooling tower, sistim ekstrasi gas.
Tujuan dari Kursus ini adalah agar peserta mampu:
1. Memahami berbagai alternatif pemanfaatan energi panasbumi dan kriteria pemilihannya
2. Memahami berbagai siklus konversi energi yang digunakan di Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panasbumi (PLTP), yaitu siklus uap kering, siklus uap hasil pemisahan, siklus uap hasil penguapan, siklus pemisahan bertingkat, siklus kombinasi, siklus binari, siklus Kalina
3. Menerapkan menerapkan konsep termodinamika untuk perhitungan daya listrik/konsumsi uap dari Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panasbumi (PLTP), menerapkan konsep perpindahan panas dan masa untuk mendesain berbagai alat penukar panas di bidang panasbumi, menerapkan konsep exergy untuk analisa efisiensi PLTP
4. Menganalisa Kinerja PLTP
5. Mendesain alat penukar panas, sistim pendinginan udara, cooling tower, ekstrasi gas.
Apa Yang Akan Anda Pelajari Selama Kursus ini ?
• Pemanfaatan energi panasbumi di dunia, baik untuk sektor listrik maupun sektor non listrik
• Jenis-jenis pembangkit listrik tenaga panasbumi dan diagram alir fluida dari sumur produksi hingga ke PLTP dan seterusnya hingga ke sumur injeksi.
• Diagram alir dan diagram T-S untuk siklus direct dry steam, siklus uap hasil pemisahan, siklus uap hasil flashing, siklus penguapan bertingkat dan siklus kombinasi
• Penerapan prinsip-prinsip termodinamika untuk perhitungan daya listrik atau konsumsi uap untuk siklus uap kering, siklus uap hasil pemisahan, siklus uap hasil flashing, siklus penguapan bertingkat dan siklus kombinasi
• Konsep-konsep termodinamika untuk perhitungan efisiensi exergy, perbedaan exergy dan energi serta penerapan konsep exergy untuk melakukan analisa PLTP
• Berbagai jenis alat penukar panas yang umum digunakan di industri, prinsip perindahan panas yang terjadi di dalam sistim, aplikasi di bidang panasbumi, desain dll.
• Prinsip-prinsip dasar campuran gas/tekanan parsial, istilah dan definisi-definisi dalam psychrometry, penggunaan Psychrometric Chart
• Desain sederhana dan analisa proses pendinginan udara.
• Prinsip-prinsip dasar perpindahan massa, penerapan untuk analisa proses di dalam cooling tower serta desain cooling tower secara sederhana.
• Prinsip kerja dari siklus binari dan kalina, gambar skematis siklus, kriteria pemilihan fluida, peralatan-peralatan yang terdapat dalam sistem, aplikasi di bidang panasbumi dan desain peralatan-peralatan penukar kalor dalam sistem.
• Prinsip-prinsip dasar sistem pengekstrasian gas, pengaruh non condensible gas, tipe-tipe sistim pengekstrasian gas, dasar-dasar pemilihan sistem pengekstrasian gas yang sesuai untuk berbagai karakteristik lapangan dan desain sederhana dari berbagai tipe sistem pengekstrasian gas
Course details:

Day Subject
1 Pendahuluan, Siklus Pembangkit dan Exergy/Availability
• Pendahuluan Overview:
o Pemanfaatan Langsung (Geothermal Direct Use) dan tidak langsung (listrik)
• Siklus Pembangkit Listrik Panasbumi
o Siklus uap kering
o Siklus uap hasil pemisahan
o Siklus uap hasil flashing
o Siklus penguapan bertingkat
o Siklus kombinasi
• Energy Availability
o Perbedaan exergy dan energi
o Perpindahan panas irreversible
o Efisiensi exergy/utilisasi
o Analisa exergy
o Penerapan efisiensi exergi untuk analisa PLTP
2 Heat Exchanger
• Alat penukar panas (Heat Exchanger) Bagian I
o Jenis-jenis
o Prinsip perpindahan panas
o Desain double pipe Heat Exchanger
• Alat penukar panas (Heat Exchanger) Bagian II
o Desain shell and tube HE
o Plate Heat Exchanger
3 Downhole Heat Exchanger, Waste Heat Rejection dan Psychromatry
• Downhole Heat Exchanger
o Prinsip
o Peralatan
o Desain
• Waste Heat Rejection
o Once Through Cooling Tower
o Cooling Lake/Pond
o Spray Pond dan Canal
o Cooling Tower
• Psychrometry
o Sifat-sifat campuran gas/ tekanan parsial
o Definisi-definisi: kelembaban, Rasio kelembaban spesifik
o Tekanan embun.
o Psychrometric Chart
o Contoh sederhana proses pendinginan udara
4 Siklus Binari dan Kalina
• Siklus Binari
o Prinsip-prinsip dasar siklus binari
o Pemilihan fluida sistem Binari
o Peralatan-peralatan dalam pembangkit listrik sistem binari
o Desain sistem Binari
• Siklus Kalina
o Prinsip dasar
o Peralatan-peralatan
o Aplikasi
5 Cooling Tower dan Gas Extraction System
• Cooling Tower
o Moist (Mass Transfer): Ficks Law, perpindahan massa secara konveksi, proses direct proses
o Desain Cooling Tower
• Gas Extraction System
o Fungsi Sistem Pengekstrasian Gas
o Pengaruh Non Condensible Gas dalam condenser
o Condenser dan Gas Cooler
o Tipe-tipe Sistem Pengekstrasian Gas: Positive Displacement Pump, Roto-Dynamic Pump, Steam Jet Ejector, Water Jet Ejector
o Contoh-contoh pemakaian Sistem Pengekstrasian Gas di beberapa lapangan panasbumi
o Desain sederhana Sistem Pengekstrasian Gas

Training Preparation of Geothermal Project Proposal
Duration: 5 (five) days course
Course information:
The course aim to provide groundwork for those involved in the preparation of geothermal project proposal. Topic covers: Outline of Technical Proposal, Market Analysis, Geothermal Regulation, Resource Assesment, Project Planning, Cost Studies and Modelling, Cashflow projection, Profitability Indicators and Sensitivity Analysis and Price Proposal.

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